Bathsheeba And The Proverbs 31 Woman


We all are familiar with this story, how she was summoned by David, had a child that died after he sent her husband into battle to be killed. But there is a lot more to her story, isn’t there? While David was not allowed to build the new temple, the one Jesus speaks about, Solomon was, and she was his mother.

Despite what people believe, polygamy was not God’s plan, and Bathsheeba was one of seven wives, and I’m sure there were concubines. Solomon, the supposed wisest man still went against wisdom God’s wisdom and multiplied wives. He was also famous for his stables and horses, which he was also not to multiply because God wanted his trust to be in Him, not a great army or chariots.

Though I cannot tell you exactly what her life was like, with Solomon as king, she had a high place in the palace. While wives were summoned from their own apartments at the king’s whims, she may have had more access to her son. I still have not determined if she was trying to get David’s attention or he was just out in the evening and it happened, that she was bathing on the roof after a hot day. The question is then was she a wicked woman or just afraid to disobey the king?

While some of the others, if not all the wives were probably still living, Bathsheeba may have present when he decided the fate of the harlot’s baby, and gave him to the rightful mother, she may have dined with the Queen of Sheeba, but what did or does she have to do with the Proverbs 31 woman?

The king is referred to as Lemuel, another name for Solomon, he wrote over three thousand proverbs and two hundred songs, he was very much like David the psalmist, in that respect, he was born after the fast and grief of the his parents.

Behold, a son shall be born to thee, who shall be a man of rest; and I will give him rest from all his enemies round about: for his name shall be Solomon, and I will give peace and quietness unto Israel in his days. 1 Chronicles 22:9

And while he asked God for wisdom, as James tell us to do, it is easy for us to look back and see his mistakes, because we have read about the greater one than Solomon, Jesus, but he was what Israel needed at the time, a man of rest, peace and quietness from all the turmoil between David and Saul, before him.

And look what God did for Israel, He sent the Messiah, Jesus, the very Prince of Peace, but they wanted an earthly King, and we have that to look forward to, a new heaven and earth, because Jesus has inherited the throne of David forever, the rest from the enemies Solomon afforded Israel, Jesus will someday soon do for all of us who believe.

While Proverbs is wisdom, it is referred to in the feminine case or sense of the word. I always say God had Fatherly  strength and motherly love why He created men and women intended marriage to between a man and woman, we are under grace now, while sacrifices were made in that day, Jesus gave His life as a once and for all atonement to those who would believe, follow and obey, walk in His love.

Solomon writes of God’s wisdom, from both a father’s and mother’s perspective, he learned from both David and Bathsheeba, just as Jesus would Joseph and Mary, like Mary may have quieted and comforted Jesus, and pondered things she may not have comprehended for her son, so did Bathseeba to Solomon. She was teaching him womanly, and motherly wisdom in the natural and perhaps even supernatural sense, wisdom is revelation from God, a gift to believers.

While I am not giving her the credit for what God did, I believe He used her to further Solomon’s reign, I see her repentant, and forgiven. She may not have been as pure a woman as Mary, but she had learned. The old movie, David and Bathsheeba had the people wanting to stone her, while Hollywood often takes liberties with Biblical movies, we really don’t know how everything actually happened in detail, but God does.

We see political unrest all the time and people unhappy with their leaders, it was not totally unlike the days we live in, but the Proverbs taught are just as relevant, still very true. While Solomon taught as a teacher, the revelation from God, his mother was part of his life.

And did she inspire or even help write Proverbs 31? We will know for sure one day. The chapter begins with what kind of women not to be, what men should not be drawn to, and then describes, the perfect woman in God’s eyes, though she is not perfect, serving Him in grace makes her so.

This woman is not unattainable, she may have had dishes to wash, or laundry to hang out, she might have burned her bread, but she walks in obedience to the Lord and he makes her the crown she is.

Her children may not always have been perfectly obedient, but they do rise up and call her blessed, because she had taught them well. She does know the rest, the quiet and the peace, that Solomon’s reign had brought, not just an absence of war but a peaceful heart no matter what goes on about her.

The clamor of playful children, the servants moving to and fro, she may rise early, but sleeps well, the sleep of the beloved, she may nap in the shade of her garden in the afternoon. She manages the household but it runs smooth as she ponders the Lord in her heart. She may even sing psalms as she works. Her household hums and prospers with God in charge, her family is known and respected by others in the city or the marketplace, even the country.

Though Israel doesn’t have a lot of snow, she has a warm home in winter and a cool on in the summer, she knows God, and how sins that have been scarlet become white as snow, how much more with the sacrifice of Christ?

She is clothed in purple and and silk and laughs at the future, because God had also clothed her in His love and glory. You need not fear as long as God is on the throne. He changed the life of Bathsheeba and many others, He can change anyone willing to change and give Him their heart, and Proverbs 31 is a step away.
