A New Year of Women and Grace


Welcome back ladies! Happy New Year! In the past I have attempted to write about women of the Bible and even suggest a name for them, even giving the Hebrew meaning. I was going down the list and had gotten to midway of the Old Testament, when I was running out of steam, and took a break. I am going to leave links to the lists of women and let you decide who you want to study in your own personal time.

I like to post everyday. And I like to keep it simple, interesting and refreshing. I know going over the same women with no name and only a line of so, can be difficult  since I have to make up her life to an extent. While I follow a theme each month, I came to realization that since grace wa flowing for one blog, it would work here. So we will start with grace.

I know a lot of people like to read through the Bible but I just follow whatever is placed on my heart, today it may strength, tomorrow, healing. Whatever I am led to put here I will. I always want to be a blessing, walk worthy and He gets the glory. We’re starting with grace, I appreciate your reading or following.

List of All the Women in the Old Testament

She has a great list, although I am not a Mormon and do not teach from the book of Mormon.


This is great place to study and it has all the lists, even unnamed women. So if you want to start with the beginning, read about Eve. Deception has always been the enemy’s tactic, he will add or take a word or two, and comes after what we learn and even say. She was perfect and it happened to her, so it could have been anyone. And she is our first study in grace.

Rebecca Jones / pexels