
It gets hot here in Jerusalem, I live not far from the palace. My husband is one of King David’s men. Since the army had been away my servant, Mara, have cleaned the house and cooked enough food to last, a couple of days. The kitchen is like an oven. Mara offered to draw me a bath, and I went up to the roof.

It was not unusual for people go up there and bathe or even sleep under the stars in the summer, I enjoyed the relaxing water and perfume. Mara slipped my robe over my shoulders as dried with a towel. I had not realized I was being watched until a few days later, I was summoned by the king. It is a command not to be refused.

At first I thought nothing of it, perhaps my husband was there but that was not the case. David invited me into private chambers. At first, we talked and he offered me some wine. Then he began to tell me how beautiful I was, what a fortunate man my husband was, but that he could not appreciate me like a king.

He kissed me, and I backed away. He told me to come back the next day and to think of all he had said. I left in a hurry. When I went to bathe that evening I saw him walking on the terrace and went back inside. I told Mara about it, and she said I should tell my husband, Uriah.

He would not understand, he was a religious man. He would think I was a temptress, and maybe I was. I was feeling the shame.  I decided to return the next day and tell the king the truth. But persisted in his love for me, and I was in his arms, I tried to reason, to resist, but I could not and soon he had me where he wanted me. I dared not scream for the guards, who would they believe?

For a while he did not summon me, and then again I was commanded to be at the palace. I lost count of the days, but soon Uriah was home and I was glad, because I was with child. I had told David. He had spoken to Uriah, and told him to go home to his wife, but Uriah slept at the palace, keeping the law not to be with me as it was a holy day.

David was furious when he found out and sent him to battle certain he would be killed and soon he was. I was taken into the palace and hated, the prophet Nathan warned David of his sins, and soon we had a son. But it was not long before he was ill and died, though David fasted and prayed. We knew our sin had cost us our child.

Later, as his wife I was blessed with Solomon, who grew wise before the Lord. I had made my peace. As Naaman had dipped in the Jordan seven times, and was cleansed, my name meaning daughter of the seventh, so God had bathed my heart, and I considered it my duty to teach Solomon about him.

He is sometimes called Lemeul, and some of the wisdom in Proverbs is what I taught Him with God’s help. Though he was not always wise or obedient, like his father, God allowed him to build a temple. My advice to women is not to lure men or to be a mistress. You are worth more, respect yourself and God.

Rebecca Jones   Blogan Glisik / Unsplash

The Redemption of Rahab

Most people have heard my story. They may not realize that I am in the lineage of Jesus Christ. That is the power of God’s forgiveness, of course, in those days it was sacrifices. Jesus was the ultimate one. So even if you have led a life like mine, there is hope for you and grace. He will forgive you and not condemn you.

I lived in the wicked city of Jericho, rumors abounded that Joshua was going to take our city. I was the daughter of an innkeeper, but I was more than that. I often accompanied men who paid me for nights of companionship and more. Our inn was always busy.

I would sit upon the roof and look out over the plain, and wonder if Joshua’s army was out there waiting. What would happen to me and my family? I thought if there was a god greater than the many idols, He must be displeased with me, and with Jericho. But what could I do? I am just a woman. One who has been used, abused and partially my own sinful willingness and pressure from others. Now, I am afraid.

One night two men who showed were spies from that army, as soldiers began to search for them I called them to my house. No one would think twice of seeing them in my company. When they came to the in asking for them, I had hidden them among the cornstalks on the roof, I even took them up there after going through each room.

” See, they are long gone from here and I have their money. ” The soldier slapped my hand away and left. When it was safe again I was able to lower them in a basket from a window so they could return safely to Joshua’s camp. I was told that my family would be spared if they saw a scarlet cord in the window, in gratitude and as a blessing from God.

Soon the army arrived and marched around the city for seven days. Our guards mocked them, but I was careful to see that the scarlet cord remained visible. I heard trumpets on the seventh day and the walls were crumbling like an earthquake. People scrambled in terror as his arm over ran Jericho. But true to his word, Joshua spared my house.

I went on to marry and be repentant to God and that is how I end up in the lineage of Jesus. A sinful life is not worth losing the chance of salvation. God is true to His promises.

Rebecca Jones

Hagar’s Plight

I would invite you to go back and read Genesis 16. I can’t tell you how many paintings I see where Hagar is depicted with Ishmael. If he is here I just don’t see him and that is accurate. I actually went back and rewrote posts correcting that error, when she flees, she is ” with child ” having conceived but he has not yet been born.

The Angel of the Lord directs her to water and tells her about her future son Ishmael, it is likely Jesus as He appears in the Old Testament, on occasion, and it is also sometimes, just an angel, but He also appears to Abraham and Sarah laughs because she is old, but she has Isaac and Hazeleponi, Manoah’s wife. But it will be Gabriel who announces Him to Mary.

I just could not believe that I was reading this and seeing so much artwork that is well, wrong. Perhaps, it is just artistic license, like I use poetic license to name some of the women who are not named. But I say that up front, did artists bother to read it?Did I just overlook that  myself?

It is just a very pregnant Hagar who had fought with Sarah, and it was her bad idea to start with, to send her to Abraham, who fled into the desert and was in desperate need of water, she probably would have died but God was merciful and she too had a son who was the father of many, though he was against every man the angel said.

Hagar’s name means either flight or reward but she does gives God the name El Roi, The God who sees. He does see us in our weakness and in His strength as believers and it never hurts to read what we have already read. Sometimes, we learn something new and sometimes we see something we have overlooked.

Rebecca Jones  Pieter Jager 1650


Abigail, A Wise Woman

I am Abigail, my husband, Nabal, is drinking again. that is not unusual around my house. Even the servants see his temper, his anger and belligerent attitude. Tonight, it is another problem though, not the usual things around the vineyard.

He was approached by some men asking for supplies for David who had fled from Saul. They need food desperately. Nabal told them no and I’m sure was not mincing words and they threatened to come and take it. He dared them too. He has a couple of men out watching for them, what are they against warriors and what is He against David who slew Goliath, a drunken man without a chance.

His decision wa foolish and he is putting all our lives at risk for what? Food, that we have plenty of? Wine? We have a vineyard, Water? We have wells. Good, he has passed out. I will call my beloved servant Miriam and have her men pack some food and supplies, I must find David or his men in the hills.

I found two sticks of wood and soaked rags in oil and lit the as torches, Miriam, came with me. I gave orders to the household that if Nabal awoke to say nothing of this, but they were sure another bottle would settle him, thankful  he was asleep when I got home.

We ran into a guard on a hill, he was hidden in the rocks and saw our torches. The nthe food, half starved men rushed upon us and hugged us and lifted us in the air, as they grabbed wine and loaves and led the horses and camels to David’s cave.

He greeted us and we sat down, he was still handsome, I had seen him years before. He thanked Miriam and I and said my husband was indeed a fool but I was a wise woman. He told us a little of what they had been through and how grateful for food. They were enjoying the luscious grapes, they were especially good this year. We had brought apples, dates, and figs.

David was pleased that we had brought blankets. He put Miriam and I on horses and handed us the camel’s reigns. We were home soon and got a little sleep before sunrise. Nabal was back out in the vineyard yelling at the guards, they were asleep and rightly so as we passed them twice. The Lord’s hand was in this.

A while later Nabal died. I went about my business as best I could but running a house and vineyard was a lot of work. Then one day a man rode in, Miriam called me saying it was David, and truly, it was.

He had heard about Nabal and offered to help me .He had some of his men help with the vineyard, and later found some to purchase it from me as he had asked me to be his wife. Miriam and four other maids accompanied me to the palace. This time I rode with Dave with my arms around his waist.

I notice the girls looking back, perhaps they would miss some of their friends who remained there, but I had no reason to mourn or look back, a decision to offer food had change my life, I had no reason to look back only ahead.

Rebecca Jones   Alexander Krivitskiy/ Unsplash



” Ee-ma! ” I can barely get my words out I am so sick. And there is a lot of commotion outside. My mother comes and puts another cold cloth on my forehead. I am weak. I cannot eat of drink and my stomach aches. My head hurts and my heart races, I don’t know what is wrong, The doctor had come and gone. I took the medicine am I am worse.

My father is Jairus, and he wraps his prayer  shawl around me and I hear him praying, Then I heard him leave. ” Abba, don’t go, I need you. ” My mouth was moving but the words would not come out and there is darkness, in the distance a brighter light than the false one that is draining my life from my body, I was afraid in that light, it was a mixture of darkness and light but in the distance a pure white light and paradise beyond.

I know I must go there. I can hear my mother crying and calling my name though. I want to go back to her, ” Ee mah. Don’t cry, please don’t cry. ” It is if I am wrestling with the false light, it wants to keep me in death. I need to go home, it must not be time for me to go to Paradise.”

I am dying, or am dead, I’m not sure. When suddenly, I can see my house. There is a man at the door. He is strong, a beautiful smile is on his face. It is the rabbi, Jesus. I am back in darkness, His hand takes mine. ” Talitha cumi. I hear him. And I sit up and hug my mother. There is no more pain or death, no sickness. The pure light of God’s love is on Him, That is where I wanted to go. Ha’Satan had tried to take me but the adversary was no match for Jesus. He must be the Son of God as He says and I will tell people to listen to Him.

He told my mother to get me some food. I was eating and drinking again. I looked up and He was gone, I told Abba to go and thank Him, he left and soon returned said Jesus had disappeared in the crowd, but He knew we were grateful. I kept seeing people come by the windows and the doors.

They knew I was dead, even the servants my mother sent out were surprised that I was up. I went to the door and told them to go and listen to Jesus and then my father locked them and the windows. I was very sleepy and crawled under my father’s talit and went to sleep, the next day I was back to normal. I was dead but now I live for Jesus. My name is Alaya, and I am twelve.

Rebecca Jones

The daughter is not not named in the Bible. Alaya means God loves me. And I know the photo has to be pexels or Unsplash.


I am Yvette, the Bible calls me simply the woman with the issue of blood. I have been hemorrhaging for twelve years. All my money is gone, the doctors were paid but could do nothing more. I suffer daily, and I am considered unclean, I have but one servant to help me, I am a widow.

I have nothing left. I sit at the window, not allowed outside. My home has been a prison. Though beggars and blind, even the lame take to the street, I risk arrest were I bleeding in them.   Even now I feel the leakage and warmth of my blood, I soak and boil rags daily. My linens are almost gone as is my money and hope.

There are a lot of people coming,  I hear them talking about Jesus. I have heard He could heal and perform miracles. They say He is coming. I wonder. I hurry to wash and bind myself with clothes to absorb the bleeding, I had Zara to help me wrap them tightly. I put on a cloak and cover my head, and go to the street. ” Perhaps, if only…Jesus is my hope. ”

Zara asks if will be alright. ” I told her I had to see Jesus. ” And I followed the crowd, I saw Him ahead of me, the disciples all around. People began to push and shove, and  I was on my knees. A man picked me up, it was John, he was a disciple. I pushed past people following him, he was behind Jesus, Peter was yelling at them to back away. He was large man, tall and rugged, I heard someone talking about the fisherman. His voice was loud.

Again, I was on my knees, I was crawling and in tears, I could feel the blood rushing from me. I saw Jesus ahead, and said out loud to God that, ” If I could only touch the hem of His garment, I would be whole. ” I got to my knees and reached for Him, my fingertips brushed the talit, and immediately I stopped bleeding, the smell was gone. I stood up.

Jesus said, ” Who touched me? ” The disciples were asking Him to look around and why would he would say that. I stepped forward with my head bowed, ” It was I, Lord. ” I managed to speak but could not look at Him. He took my face in His strong and tender hands and told me not to be afraid, my faith had made me whole, and to go in peace. He smiled at me and I was so overjoyed that I kissed His hand.

I was ready to run home, when I saw Jairus push through to Him asking Him to come to his house and heal his daughter. I had seen Elaya, she was only twelve, I decided to follow them. I was thinking she had been alive as long as I had been sick. Just then, a couple of servants came and told Jairus not to trouble the master, his daughter was dead. A hush fell over the crowd.

I heard Jesus tell him not to be afraid, to only believe. Jairus followed Him because He kept walking toward his house, I could not see Jesus any longer, I got separated, but John took my hand and walked me to the door of the house, Jesus was standing there, beyond His shadow, the frail figure of a girl no longer alive, wrapped in a talit, her mother weeping.

He called out the women who were crying, and moved the crowd back, the disciples had them back up. Peter was so loud and John so quiet and thoughtful, yet I knew somehow that Peter was really gentle and John could be powerful, he let go of my hand and they stood behind Jesus as He stood in the door. Then He went in.

He raised Elaya from the dead. I heard her say so after Jesus left. He smiled at me again on the way out. The servants had said not to trouble the Master but it was no trouble for Him, nor was I. We were touched by the Master’s hand.

Rebecca Jones  Jose Martinez / Unsplash

When Jesus used phrases twice, it was to make a point, like verily, verily or truly, truly. There are two doubles in this story only a short time apart. The woman was sick twelve years and the girl was twelve. Twelve is the number of disciples and has to do with discipleship but also with divinity and fullness. Jesus demonstrated this, His divinity and fullness of power, virtue or dunamis. It was drained from Him to the woman and the Spirit replenished Him to raise the girl.

Also she touched the hem of His talit, or prayer shawl, the Bible simply says garment and it may have been but it was possible the prayer shawl like any Jewish man wore. Jairus was likely not wearing his because it would have been the custom to wrap the child and pray. Her earthly father could not heal or save her but her heavenly one could. Pronounce his the name, Jairusm with a y, there are no j’s in Hebrew.

To me, it is like double promise. Thanks for reading, and Yvette, meaning life and Elaya, God loves me, are not named in the Bible, it is for teaching and dramatic purposes only.


I want you to get to know me, I’m Eve. ns I wan you to know evil. had a perfect life and a perfect husband because I had a perfect Lord. He even gave us a choice. I know you are reading what has been written about me some of it may be true, the Bible doesn’t detail every account.

We were clothed with the very glory of God, we knew no fear or shame. We had nothing to be ashamed of because we had done nothing wrong, until I heard my name being called, I heard it again and again. So, I went to see who it was. It did not sound like Jesus who came and walked in the cool of the day.

It was the serpent, I was used to talking to animals, but he had given himself to the wicked one, I believed his lies and began questioning God. I did try to resist. But I should have went to get Adam, perhaps, I should have just awakened him to protect me, but  I had no reason to think I needed protection, none of the animals had ever hurt us.

The serpent continued to talk me, and I thought it would be good to be like Him, but I never realized He had made me in His image and so I already was in a way, not entirely, he knew what evil was and could avoid it or prevent it, His choice was always goodness and love, and I had perpetual peace and His love and Adam loved me, and I loved him.

In a moment, that all changed and I ate the fruit, I gave it to Adam. The Garden of Eden, our idyllic life was shattered by a liar, although I was deceived, Adam accused me before God, I do wish I had repented but I was so terrified, I was trying to hide the beautiful body I was given, my lovely tanned skin and shapely legs. I suddenly felt weak and frail before the Lord as we hid.

He sent us out of the garden and we were under a curse instead of a blessing, the serpent was as well, I watched in horror as he fell from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, no longer a beautiful creation of God, but a limbless creature writhing and squirming unable to walk, he crawled away hissing and spraying poison.

I managed to survive, but life was hard when it had been perfect, the sun aged me and Adam was angry with me, I bore sons in horrible searing pain and one killed the other.  If I could speak to you daughter of God, I would ask you to learn from mistake and not listen to that viper who is still lying to women. Speak peace not poison to you sisters.

Now, I know he went after women because one day Jesus would be born to save all who would believe. My Jesus, that I walked with and touched. I held His hand and one day, my sin and the sins of others would cause it to be pierced with a spike. Only a loving Father would give His beautiful Son over to such and enemy as evil and death to save human beings. If only, I could have believed and left the fruit alone. I was created perfect, followed God in the person of His Son, I should have known better. and those who came after me are in danger, you can make the same choice to listen to the liar or not. I could not see the future, but you know the past.

I knew only love and peace, but evil deceived me, I will not lie to you. Follow Jesus, and stay close. Women are such help to husbands who believe. Men and ministers still paint evil portraits of me, but I am not evil, just a woman, simply Eve. Unfortunately, I met evil.

Rebecca Jones  Molly Mears / Unsplash

The Savior Is Born

The ride to Bethlehem was harder than I expected. I was in my ninth month, I thought it was perhaps, the eighth but I was young and having a child was new to me. I realize now, the day the angel told me was the day I conceived, even though I would often feel a peace and presence of the Lord.

It was so crowded, I had never seen so many people. We went to place after place, and finally an inn. There was no room at the inn, the innkeeper told us. Just then his wife came and shouted at him, “Can’t you see she is with child? ” The woman was kind enough to offer us her stable. It would be warm and dry, she brought is food and cool water, some blankets.

The stable was more of a cave and there was a cow, a couple of sheep, a baby lamb. She moved the camel because he would spit but let a little donkey stay with ours. We called him Nicodemus, because Joseph had a friend  name that and he laughed as loud as the donkey brayed.

We ate and fell asleep on the hay he had bundled in our blankets and covered ourselves with those from the inn. The stars were shining, but I could hear a soft and gentle rain in the night. Before dawn I had a searing pain, and my water broke,         before I knew it Joseph was up and saying he could see a little head, I pushed as hard as I could holding the rail beside me, and Jesus was born. It was not difficult at all.

Soon I was cradling him and washing with some warm water that had been in our small fire pit by the entrance, Joseph mixed  it with cold.  He knew how to keep us warm without a lot of smoke or danger because of the hay. He was so beautiful, my little prince of peace. I washed his fingers and toes, and body after first seeing his sweet face.

Just after dawn I feel asleep as he nursed for the first time. When He was asleep, Joseph filled a stone manger with hay and laid Him there. When I woke a few hours later He was smiling at me, not crying at all but hungry. The innkeeper’s wife and daughter came to visit me and brought some warm broth and fresh bread and fruit

They held Jesus while we ate and then Joseph went to pay the taxes. He told me I could rest a few days and then we would head home. During those days, Jesus had many visitors, from shepherds and wise men. He had so many gifts, we needed an extra donkey to carry them, the innkeeper offered us his.  Nicodemus was happy to have a friend, he already had a name, it was Zach.

We headed home when the wise men told us about Herod being interested in Jesus, they said they were not telling him about the baby. When we got home, and Jesus was just sitting up, Joseph had a dream and the Lord told us to flee to Egypt, where we lived almost twelve years, until Herod died. We had heard about him massacring babies in hopes of killing the Messiah.

Fortunately, the gifts helped us to live and Joseph was still able to carpenter. I had a small house but only a few trusted friends. I did my cooking and chores and tended to Jesus. Then one night Joseph was so tired he fell asleep with his head on my lap, Jesus was already asleep. I just sat there and held his strong, rough hand and brushed back hair from his face. After only a few minutes, he awoke so quickly and sat straight up that he startled me.

” What’s wrong, Joseph? ” I just have to know. ” Wrong? ” he said. Nothing is wrong Mary. Herod is dead, the angel said we can go home. ”  He said we would get some sleep and start out tomorrow, and soon we were home, I was so glad to see my parents.

Rebecca Jones


Elizabeth was Mary’s cousin. It was a wonderful day when Mary finally arrived, Elizabeth hugged her, John leapt in her womb. She was already six months pregnant, when she came. For a long time she had wanted a child but was barren. She and  Zacharias were both descendants of Aaron and he was a priest at the temple.

One day the lots were drawn and it was turn to enter and burn the incense. The people were praying outside and began to wonder about what was taking him so long unaware that an angel of the Lord appeared to him, standing at the right side of the altar of incense.

When Zacharias saw him, he was startled and was afraid. But the angel said to him not be that your prayer was heard. He said  that Elizabeth would bear you a son, and you are to call him John. And he will be a joy and delight to you, he will be filled with the Holy Spirit even before he is born.

He went on to tell him that he would walk in the Spirit and power of Elijah and turn hearts back to God. Elizabeth was explaining about what happened as Zacharias was mute. He had begun to question the angel, Gabriel. And because he did he was mute. He had not been able to speak since coming out of the temple.

Elizabeth said he had to make gestures or write to communicate, so Mary didn’t bother him with a lot of questions. her response had been quite different, even though she had her doubts, she wanted to obey God. Mary stayed and got to see John’s birth and the joy it brought her. ” Oh, Mary. Look at my beautiful son, God has taken away my shame. ”

Mary told her he was beautiful and helped her care for him. She knew a little about babies but this was good experience for a mother to be. Soon she would have to return to Joseph, he was hoping to make a trip to Nazareth to pay taxes before she gave birth.

Crowds of people gathered to see the new arrival, and people were saying he would be named after his father but he wrote John, and when he did in obedience to God he could again speak, and he and Elizabeth laughed and cried with joy, and Mary was able to celebrate with them and even talk to Zacharias about his angelic visitation and tell him about Gabriel’s visit to her. He was glad she had not question his word.

Soon Mary packed and her parents came to get her. They enjoyed one last night of visiting and playing with John, after breakfast the next morning they went home and Joseph was waiting for her with a crib he had made. He asked her if she would able to go to Nazareth and she said yes, thinking there was enough time before Jesus would be born.

Rebecca Jones    Pexels or Unsplash


Welcome back to our Beautiful Bible Women, we have taken a break to focus on other blogging, but we are reintroducing some of the women of the Word in story form, I intended to do these more for Mother’s Day, but I was offline a while, thank you for continuing to read and share my posts, although we are leaving summer soon and Christmas is still a way off Jesus is not, and we have to start with Mary. She is a wonderful example to us. Here is her story.


” Eemah, ” ( mother in Hebrew ) I don’t know how to tell you this. Please sit down. ” Her mother went to the kitchen with her. Mary began to tell her how that a few weeks ago, how she was walking in the garden and just praying silently when an angel appeared from nowhere and overwhelmed her with his light and beauty.

” He told me God had chose me to have a son, but I told him I was not yet wed. ” She continued, her voice trembling between joy and fear. ” He said the child I would have would be from the Holy Spirit. ”  She had told him that she would do as God asked of her, that she was the handmaiden of the Lord.

He mother hugged her, ” Such an amazing story, Mary. Are you sure it was not a dream? ” Mary told her she was not asleep but in a complete peaceful state as the angel spoke, she had been afraid but he reassured her, and she said she knew she was now with child because she had missed a cycle and there had been a warmth in her womb ever since the peace of the Spirit touched her belly.’

Her mother and father talked with her some more, they decided she needed to tell Joseph, the carpenter she was betrothed to. Mary went and spoke with him. He wanted to be sure of their upcoming marriage, they made their vows already, drank from the marriage cup and signed a ketubah. ( A ketubah ka-too- bah is a marriage contract. )

Mary was a beautiful young girl, God had preserved a bloodline in order for Jesus to be born as the Messiah, she took his hand and put it against her soft, pink cheek. ” I love you, Joseph. I promise it was God. There was no other man. ” He told her to go home, it was getting dark and he would to her tomorrow, and went back to work.

He finished a chair and ate a bit of supper, and laid down in deep thought. He had actually decided to divorce her quietly and fell asleep. Then Gabriel appeared in a dream and told him to not be afraid to marry her. She was with child but it was of the Spirit.  Joseph woke in a cold sweat, he washed his face and felt sorry that he had pushed her away. He knew now she was telling the truth, and was still the beautiful and pure girl he had fallen so in love with. It was not yet morning but he went to her house and told her about the angel.

Later, they were married quietly and even though there was singing and dancing, a normal celebration, when he took her in the tent, he only held her close, so close, he could feel the baby move although she was approaching her second trimester, she was not showing through a larger and draped wedding gown her mother had made.

When everything quieted down and she had stayed with Joseph a while, it was decided she would visit he cousin Elizabeth, who was older but also expecting a son, and it was her husband who had an angel to visit.

Rebecca Jones