Drinking Deeply From The Well

I had decided that it was time to go over some of my other blogging endeavors and when the thought occurred to me about drinking deeply from the well, that is the living water of Christ. I wanted to rewrite about the woman at the well. Sometimes, for teaching purposes only, I give the unnamed women of the Bible a name. I have used Mayim, Hebrew for water, for her, however, she was a Samaritan.

The people of Samaria were disliked by the Jews, but many of us can relate to this woman because Jesus went out of His way to help her. Has He ever done that for you, just showed up when you were so thirsty for a taste of His living water? Even the cup of cold water given a stranger, He remembers. And every word sown in love.

This woman was shunned by the others, she could not draw water until the others left, whether by law or just her choice, either way, she was frowned on and detested. Imagine her finding Jesus sitting on Jacob’s well. And He asked her for water. He was thirsty, it was not the route He would have had to take, but He does go out of His way, even for one person.

You may want to go back and read about Jacob’s well that was filled with stones by enemies. We feel that way, don’t we? Has someone been filling your spiritual well with stones? The devil with his lies, friends, neighbors, people teaching you wrongly? Jacob dug more wells, but Jesus can roll away the stones, I believe He could have at the resurrection, simply pushed away the stone.

Think about that, Jesus’ power knocked guards off their feet in the Garden of Gethsemane, when His sweat became as blood, a sign of heartbreak. The Holy Spirit had angels to minister Him, He even healed an ear, so could He not have been resurrected and simply pushed away a stone.

I want you to grasp not only the plight of this woman but the power and peace of Christ. Unlike Hagar, dying of thirst with her son, she was a woman with many husbands and the man she was with was not her husband. Jesus shocked her to the core with that knowledge and yet something about Him was unlike these other men. She believed He could give her living water, a new life, put His Spirit on her, ( the Holy Spirit did not indwell believers until after Pentecost ) and save her from her sins.

She may or may not have been a prostitute, it was the custom of the day, that women were passed to relatives after the death of a husband but she was in an adulterous relationship whether by choice or persuasion. She did not have options as women do today, and yet many of them continue in promiscuity, perhaps not realizing that Jesus has gone out of His way for them to have a chance to drink for the well of life, He even went so far as to give His life on a cross.

Do we simply sip from the cup of cold water that is offered, accept the crumbs from the Master’s table? Neither the woman at the well nor the Syrophoenician woman were Jewesses, yet both had their lives changed by Jesus. Why? They both dropped their guard and pretenses in His presence, and were accepted by His grace as they believed. Their souls cleansed by the washing of the water of the Word.

Now, the other story that comes to mind is is that of Rebekah at the well. She had servants to draw water but drew it herself for Isaac and his caravan. That is how she became daughter in law to Abraham. When we are born again, we are also, no matter our nationality, spiritual children, descendants of Abraham.

Jesus told a crowd that woman the who was bent over, bound by satan, deserved healing as a daughter. She too, as many woman most certainly did, drank deeply from the well of living water and was healed and delivered. It is time for us to be. I encourage you to study the women of the Bible, not only on my blog but others. There are plenty of good posts and studies. Now, let’s look to the Word and the Living Word Jesus in order to allow that water from the depths of His love to flow. But here is the story of the woman at the well.

Soon a Samaritan woman came to draw water, and Jesus said to her, “Please give me a drink.” He was alone at the time because his disciples had gone into the village to buy some food. The woman was surprised, for Jews refuse to have anything to do with Samaritans. She said to Jesus, “You are a Jew, and I am a Samaritan woman. Why are you asking me for a drink?”

Jesus replied, “If you only knew the gift God has for you and who you are speaking to, you would ask me, and I would give you living water.” “But sir, you don’t have a rope or a bucket,” she said, “and this well is very deep. Where would you get this living water? And besides, do you think you’re greater than our ancestor Jacob, who gave us this well? How can you offer better water than he and his sons and his animals enjoyed?”

Jesus replied, “Anyone who drinks this water will soon become thirsty again. But those who drink the water I give will never be thirsty again. It becomes a fresh, bubbling spring within them, giving them eternal life.”

“Please, sir,” the woman said, “give me this water! Then I’ll never be thirsty again, and I won’t have to come here to get water.” “Go and get your husband,” Jesus told her. “I don’t have a husband,” the woman replied.

Jesus said, “You’re right! You don’t have a husband— for you have had five husbands, and you aren’t even married to the man you’re living with now. You certainly spoke the truth!”

“Sir,” the woman said, “you must be a prophet. So tell me, why is it that you Jews insist that Jerusalem is the only place of worship, while we Samaritans claim it is here at Mount Gerizim, where our ancestors worshiped?”

Jesus replied, “Believe me, dear woman, the time is coming when it will no longer matter whether you worship the Father on this mountain or in Jerusalem. You Samaritans know very little about the one you worship, while we Jews know all about him, for salvation comes through the Jews. 23But the time is coming—indeed it’s here now—when true worshipers will worship the Father in spirit and in truth. The Father is looking for those who will worship Him that way. For God is Spirit, so those who worship Him must worship in spirit and in truth.”*

The woman said, “I know the Messiah is coming—the one who is called Christ. When he comes, he will explain everything to us.” Then Jesus told her, “I Am the Messiah!”

Just then his disciples came back. They were shocked to find him talking to a woman, but none of them had the nerve to ask, “What do you want with her?” or “Why are you talking to her?” The woman left her water jar beside the well and ran back to the village, telling everyone, “Come and see a man who told me everything I ever did! Could He possibly be the Messiah?” So the people came streaming from the village to see Him. John 4:7-30 New Living

Rebecca Jones / Ron Lach Pexels

  • although this a not capitalized, it can be that He not only mean worship in our spirit and the truth but in the Holy Spirit, who is the Spirit of Truth, John 16:13



I am called Asenath, daughter of a priest in On. I serve in the court of Pharaoh. I am a relatively unknown woman of the Bible, but my husband, Zapanath Paaneah, meaning savior, your know as Joseph.

I was young when I first heard of the eighteen year old boy sold by his brothers into slavery. An on occasion I had seen him from afar, a beautiful boy whom all the maidens and women admired. He was bought by Potiphar, and set to work at difficult tasks.

But Joseph was unlike the others, what he did prospered under the will of his one God. And he could read and speak languages, many taught him by an angel in a night vision. It would help him as he grew into manhood.

As women will gossip, I heard about the torment of Joseph, by Zelicah. She was Potiphar’s deceiving and unfaithful wife. Day after day, she persecuted Joseph, to no avail. Later, we learned of the rape of his sister, Dinah, and how he considered it an abomination to God. Joseph never succumbed to her numerous advances.

Zelicah was greedy, and lustful, allowing her desires to overtake her to the point of feigning illness and actual sickness. Though Joseph was running the household and  she and Potiphar were prospering, she took a sword and cut off a piece of his fine robe, one day as he ran from her once more. She had him dressed royally and paraded him before other women as if he were hers.

Potiphar was reluctant to believe her but had him whipped and put into prison. Joseph was distraught and held on there. Meanwhile, I was serving in the palace, Pharaoh’s wife had charge of me. We watched as he was having dreams of cows and corn that bothered him to the extreme, and disturbed his sleep.

We saw him call forth the magicians and wise men and they all gave interpretations, but he did not believe them. Joseph was now over thirty and had been put in charge of the prison, while two of the servants were there, accused of theft, Joseph had interpreted their dreams correctly. The cupbearer was freed and the baker hanged, however, the cupbearer was forgetful and hesitated to tell Pharaoh about him.

Finally, as the dreams returned, and a Potiphar’s urging, he sent for Joseph. Now, I had a clear view of this handsome young man, who I knew was not the kind of person Zelicah accused him of being. He bravely faced the Pharaoh and gave the interpretation correctly.

Though he was impressed with the slave, he wondered about the predicted famine in the land. Having the dream again, he called in Joseph, and made hi governor and gave him his ring, now only the throne separated their power. Having noticed my interest in him, I was presented to Joseph as his wife. And I could not have been more pleased.

The people paid tribute to him and grain was stored. We had two boys and he began to forget his troubles with Manasseh and Ephraim by his side. They learned greatly from their father. When the famine came many were saved including his own family, and the brothers who sold him, he was reunited with Benjamin at last. Though they were at first unrepentant, and failed to recognize him, his God gave him the grace to know that what had happened to him was a part of a larger plan and through Joseph, God saved many.


Just a quick note, Asenath, or Osnath as she is referred to in the Book of Jasher, is not a well known woman. I used a little of the movie and book. Many think that her pagan upbringing caused the lineage of Joseph to die out, but I like to think it was a love story, certainly, she saw a different sort of man, one with strong beliefs in one God. Indeed, is story is a type and shadow of Christ’s betrayal and denial.

Should you get to see the move Joseph, with Paul Mercurio, his abuse by Potiphar’s wife, Zelicah was even more cruel in actuality. You see her named here, it is in Jasher though not in the Bible. Jasher is referenced In Joshua 10:13; 2 Samuel 1:18; And 2 Timothy 3:8, while I have read several ancient texts, I am not always inclined to take them as gospel. Many so called sacred texts have been forged or signed as being by a familiar name. Use good judgement, and trust the Holy Spirit, if you do deep studies

And as for dream interpretation, it is a gift, but can be copied by some really practicing the occult. A prophetic word from the Spirit is exact, and can be verified by witnesses. God bless, be careful and use wisdom.


Bathsheeba And The Proverbs 31 Woman


We all are familiar with this story, how she was summoned by David, had a child that died after he sent her husband into battle to be killed. But there is a lot more to her story, isn’t there? While David was not allowed to build the new temple, the one Jesus speaks about, Solomon was, and she was his mother.

Despite what people believe, polygamy was not God’s plan, and Bathsheeba was one of seven wives, and I’m sure there were concubines. Solomon, the supposed wisest man still went against wisdom God’s wisdom and multiplied wives. He was also famous for his stables and horses, which he was also not to multiply because God wanted his trust to be in Him, not a great army or chariots.

Though I cannot tell you exactly what her life was like, with Solomon as king, she had a high place in the palace. While wives were summoned from their own apartments at the king’s whims, she may have had more access to her son. I still have not determined if she was trying to get David’s attention or he was just out in the evening and it happened, that she was bathing on the roof after a hot day. The question is then was she a wicked woman or just afraid to disobey the king?

While some of the others, if not all the wives were probably still living, Bathsheeba may have present when he decided the fate of the harlot’s baby, and gave him to the rightful mother, she may have dined with the Queen of Sheeba, but what did or does she have to do with the Proverbs 31 woman?

The king is referred to as Lemuel, another name for Solomon, he wrote over three thousand proverbs and two hundred songs, he was very much like David the psalmist, in that respect, he was born after the fast and grief of the his parents.

Behold, a son shall be born to thee, who shall be a man of rest; and I will give him rest from all his enemies round about: for his name shall be Solomon, and I will give peace and quietness unto Israel in his days. 1 Chronicles 22:9

And while he asked God for wisdom, as James tell us to do, it is easy for us to look back and see his mistakes, because we have read about the greater one than Solomon, Jesus, but he was what Israel needed at the time, a man of rest, peace and quietness from all the turmoil between David and Saul, before him.

And look what God did for Israel, He sent the Messiah, Jesus, the very Prince of Peace, but they wanted an earthly King, and we have that to look forward to, a new heaven and earth, because Jesus has inherited the throne of David forever, the rest from the enemies Solomon afforded Israel, Jesus will someday soon do for all of us who believe.

While Proverbs is wisdom, it is referred to in the feminine case or sense of the word. I always say God had Fatherly  strength and motherly love why He created men and women intended marriage to between a man and woman, we are under grace now, while sacrifices were made in that day, Jesus gave His life as a once and for all atonement to those who would believe, follow and obey, walk in His love.

Solomon writes of God’s wisdom, from both a father’s and mother’s perspective, he learned from both David and Bathsheeba, just as Jesus would Joseph and Mary, like Mary may have quieted and comforted Jesus, and pondered things she may not have comprehended for her son, so did Bathseeba to Solomon. She was teaching him womanly, and motherly wisdom in the natural and perhaps even supernatural sense, wisdom is revelation from God, a gift to believers.

While I am not giving her the credit for what God did, I believe He used her to further Solomon’s reign, I see her repentant, and forgiven. She may not have been as pure a woman as Mary, but she had learned. The old movie, David and Bathsheeba had the people wanting to stone her, while Hollywood often takes liberties with Biblical movies, we really don’t know how everything actually happened in detail, but God does.

We see political unrest all the time and people unhappy with their leaders, it was not totally unlike the days we live in, but the Proverbs taught are just as relevant, still very true. While Solomon taught as a teacher, the revelation from God, his mother was part of his life.

And did she inspire or even help write Proverbs 31? We will know for sure one day. The chapter begins with what kind of women not to be, what men should not be drawn to, and then describes, the perfect woman in God’s eyes, though she is not perfect, serving Him in grace makes her so.

This woman is not unattainable, she may have had dishes to wash, or laundry to hang out, she might have burned her bread, but she walks in obedience to the Lord and he makes her the crown she is.

Her children may not always have been perfectly obedient, but they do rise up and call her blessed, because she had taught them well. She does know the rest, the quiet and the peace, that Solomon’s reign had brought, not just an absence of war but a peaceful heart no matter what goes on about her.

The clamor of playful children, the servants moving to and fro, she may rise early, but sleeps well, the sleep of the beloved, she may nap in the shade of her garden in the afternoon. She manages the household but it runs smooth as she ponders the Lord in her heart. She may even sing psalms as she works. Her household hums and prospers with God in charge, her family is known and respected by others in the city or the marketplace, even the country.

Though Israel doesn’t have a lot of snow, she has a warm home in winter and a cool on in the summer, she knows God, and how sins that have been scarlet become white as snow, how much more with the sacrifice of Christ?

She is clothed in purple and and silk and laughs at the future, because God had also clothed her in His love and glory. You need not fear as long as God is on the throne. He changed the life of Bathsheeba and many others, He can change anyone willing to change and give Him their heart, and Proverbs 31 is a step away.


Revisiting The Widow

It has been one of those days all mothers have, children crying and tired, but so I am I, I have done laundry at the home a wealthy ruler, his servant paid me very little even though I worked hard, it was enough to buy some food and  we carried it home but I decided to walk back to the temple and give all I have left, even if it is so little. I was embarrassed, but i dropped it in, I think one of those men saw me.

” Wait! Is that Jesus? ” I have heard of Him, He is talking to His disciples. I wonder if He is talking about me. I must go home,  I hope He is not angry. He is not sitting any longer, He is at the door. Come children, let’s go home. ” It was a short walk and she was in a hurry, Jesus knew she was afraid, but He had explained that she had given more than the others because it was all she had. The disciples understood.

Jesus left them to find a place of solitude, but on the way to the garden where He prayed, He walked past the woman’s house, her children gathered round. ” Almana…” she stood up from the outdoor oven, it was hot and she was tired. She met His loving gaze and walked over to Him. She had been a widow for a long time, her youngest was four, his father never saw him. It had been hard for herself and her five children, the oldest was out working in the fields. Even in the city, she was alone and outcast, without a kinsman redeemer, but she had went back to the temple that day, and found Jesus.

He took her hand. ” Almana, no longer shall you toil for nothing, God is with you and is your reward. You are Hepzibah in His eyes.  She smiled and thanked Him, handing Him a slice of bread with honey, she watched Him walk away and disappear over the grassy hillside into the garden.

A few days passed and a traveler came by from Bethlehem, he smelled her bread. She noticed him asked f he would like some, the children played happily with full bellies that had been empty many nights. Her son, lay asleep on a mat beside a well, it was cool there. Normally, she would not invite strangers in, but He mentioned having seen Jesus and she told him she had met Him too. His name was Goel, and as they talked she discovered that he was a cousin of her husband, Ephram.

He apologized saying had he known of her plight he would have come for her sooner, he had not heard from relatives in years, they had been scattered all around Jerusalem and now all over Israel. Soon, he had become a welcome addition to their home, he spent many evenings there and the children loved him. His wife Sarai had long been barren, and died in childbirth, his only daughter was at home with a maidservant. She was only three.

He asked Almana to return to his home an become his bride, he had room for all of them, large fields, Aaron could have his own land, and soon he would wed. She said she felt at peace and ease with him and knew that Jesus was right when He called her Hepzibah. She agreed.

She and they children went to Bethlehem, she was married and there was wonderful feast, wine and dancing. She was overwhelmed with joy, even calling herself Hepzibah now.  She many guests and was welcomed by the maidservant, Adira and his daughter Jozinne.

It was a while after the wedding, as she baked her delicious bread that a traveler stopped  by and asked to buy some, she gave him a loaf and said he owed nothing, then she heard the news of Jesus. The man told her she literally shone with the love of God, ” You dear lady, must have been a follower of Christ. ”

She question Him about Jesus and found out that He had been crucified. ” Yes, some say He rose from the dead like Lazarus, I saw Him do that you know. I haven’t seen Jesus though. But when he thanked her for his bread, the old fellow, Eli, looked through tears and though maybe he had.

Hepzibah ran to tell Goel the news, and they and their children continued to believe, having themselves experienced the Savior’s love.

Rebecca Jones

This is a fiction account of the story we know very little of whether or not she was young or old, with children, small, grown or barren. The name Almana means lonely or widow in Hebrew, she is not named in the Word. Goel is Hebrew for redeemer, much like Boaz to Ruth and is a name given to Jesus as He redeemed us and is our judge. Adira means strong, Jozine, God added a daughter. Hepzibah is found in Isaiah 61. He delights in me.

This painting is by Sandra Rast, she responded kindly allowing me to use  her art on my blog

Even Eve Needed Jesus

I think too much sometimes, God is working on that with me. I am just that way and I am deep, but I have to watch it or I would never sleep. It is easy to talk to the Lord at night and I can get carried away, especially, on nights I can’t sleep. I was sleeping good last night, but I was awake and thinking, praying. But thankfully I have learned His rest and can now sleep the sleep of the beloved. Psalm127:2.

I was thinking about Eve, I have written about her a lot, but the wisdom of the Lord showed up in my thoughts, ” Even Eve needed Jesus. ” It was exact and profound. It was the Lord. I have written about how she was tempted, and where was Adam, why didn’t he use his authority and protect her? Was he asleep? Did she simply wander off to see who was calling her? Or worse, did she think it was Jesus?

I have been working on some stories, I would like to be a book someday. Naturally, Eve is first. I described her life in Eden, and we know that God was in the garden and walked with them in the cool of the day. Was it God the Father? I don’t think so, He had finished His work of creation, and placed the authority with Jesus, and really Adam, who lost it, that is why Jesus is called the second Adam, and He died to get it back, to save us for eternity, and give us access to the Father.

So how ever the actual deception occurred, she needed Jesus, not Adam. He could have talked her out of it, and told the serpent to get lost, but what if he had not, he ate willingly. whereas she was deceived. Looking back, it is easy to judge and say how did she ever fall for that? She had a perfect life and walked with Jesus. But we do the same thing, we listen to the serpent’s lies, we are deceived and we deceive ourselves thinking we have it made or can take care of it, and we may not know the real problem, we need Jesus.

I think we don’t want to bother Him, we are saved, know the Word and pray, we’ll take care of it and when the serpent slithers up to our ear and says whatever he says, we can get into despair, discouragement and fear, even shuddering that we are failing, weak and miserable, or that we are so much better, we don’t need any help, it’s all wrong. We can’t do anything in our own power, especially, defeat an unseen, for the most part, enemy, with lots of minions. They show themselves through actions and words though unless the Spirit gives revelation, but all devils are cast out by God, even if we agree and give the word, it is Him. The Spirit is referred to as the finger of God.

So let’s look at Eve for a moment, her naked body covered by God’s golden glory walked toward a voice. If a serpent talked to us we would be freaked out, she was used to talking to animals and they possibly could talk back, the serpent is talking. She is not afraid until she sins. Some birds can talk and even my poodles could manage a couple of words, ( Mama, oh, and hamburger, audible but garbled. One could even spell, b-a-t-h meant h-i-d-e. ) whether or not you believe that is irrelevant, she was talking to the serpent who was in the Garden of Eden and the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. Oh, to know no evil.

She talked to him, I guess I argued with him, told him to leave in Jesus name, but you can’t live in a bubble or can you? The kavod or glory of the Spirit is a crown of glory but not like a tiara but a covering that envelopes you. He is our protection, Jesus, His sacrifice and why He wanted us to so have the Spirit to keep us from the wicked one.

Women rely on friends, each other, and themselves, they keep secreted away problems they would dare not share, and suffer silently, as sinners and some even as Spirit filled believers because, they talk to or listen to the enemy, and agree with him, even unintentionally. Some women mistake submission as permission to be abused. Some depend on their husbands for spiritual companionship and to lead, and that is wisdom if he is in line with God, but even so, we need Jesus, husbands have authority but are supposed to be under His.

The devil is in no way as powerful, not an equal, he tells the same old lies, uses the same old ploys, and will pile on the problems, and come back with worse, because you can live in your glory, but other people may not. And we deal with them daily, even our own families who may not walk with Him. We need Jesus.

We can all learn from Eve, it could have been any of us. Let’s change the scenario, ” Jesus, I need you! ” Not your friends, or husband even, but Jesus. ” This snake is talking to me. ” And remember he was a beautiful angel and fell, taking the serpent’s body. In the 1966 movie, the Bible, something falls out that has arms and legs and becomes a snake.

That is why the imagery is used of a snake on a pole in the wilderness, to represent Jesus on the cross, imagine Him taking whatever the devil threw at Him for us. it is even in the medical emblem, He is our healing. We need Jesus. I would think many times, I wished she would have awoken up Adam or he would have found her and rescued her, or told her not to listen, but even Adam should have called Jesus, once they had sinned, they were afraid of Him, many people or women may be, but don’t be the other way is the road to hell. We need Jesus.

I’m going to take a nap now and rest in Him. I’m glad I laid awake thinking about this, while we as believers can speak in tongues, heal the sick, cast out devils, drink deadly things that won’t hurt us, referring to doctrine, Mark 16:6. It is all through and by Him in the Spirit. If only Eve had thought to call Him, let’s not fail to learn from her mistake, we need Jesus. And we must never be afraid to call on Him, let him tell the devil off on our behalf.

Rebecca Jones  Permanentka / Pixabay

Lydia Seller Of Purple

I am Lydia, I sell purple dye and garments, along with other Jewish workers. Some had gathered at the river where I heard the message of Christ and was converted.  I have been changed ever since hearing the message. I do a lot of business and meet a lot of people and have opened my home to many of them.

The waters of Thyiatra were good for dyeing but the water of baptism filled my soul. Many missionaries are coming and going all the time as work to produce goods and clothing with the brilliant colors of scarlet and purple. Many wealthy and royal people can afford these colors, and I am prospering as my soul does and I can afford to be generous with clothing and help to my fellow believers. And to the poor.

I have had many opportunities to share my testimony to others and especially to women, some are just so happy to have a new garment even it is an old one. I take care of lots of discarded clothes and even dye and mendt them, though they are not all purple.

I am even closely associated wit the beginning of the church at Phillipi. Perhaps, one day the Lord will wear one of my robes, I am saving one for Him. A Jewess and worshiper of God, I cam to know His beloved Son and was Paul’s first European convert and proclaimed the Lord  and watch others receive Him and be baptized.

Rebecca Jones  Daniel / Devostock

Some purple dyes were made from snails and their population was all but extinct but they have been rediscovered.


I am Apphia from Colossae, the ancient Phrygian city that is now a part of Turkey, my atory is in Philemon who I am closely associated with. I am called “dearly beloved” and “our sister”. Mt name means fruitful and that us what I tried to be as the Lord told us.

The Bible is not clear as to whether I was married to Philemon or was the mother or sister of Archippus. Onesimus came to our house with a message. Paul was was older and in prison and had sent him to them. Tradition has it we were stoned to death during the reign of Nero.

There is much debate to among scholars as to how I was addressed, that Paul did not identify me as s wife as he did with Priscilla and Aquiila, there are even attempts to make me merely a sister, a slave or even the wife of Onesimusm but all that will be cleared up in heaven.

There was a church in our home and many people worshiped and knew the Lord, and if I was a martyr for Christ, you will learn all about me in heaven.

Rebecca Jones   I will find the photographer.

Salome Who Followed Christ

I am Salome, my son are followers of Christ and so am I. And also my husband Zebedee, who is a fisherman.  I spend a lot of time with Mary and the other mothers of the disciples, I even asked Jesus to let my sons sit beside Him on His throne, and He said I did not know hat I was asking for. Sometimes, there are quarrels among the disciples, everyone wants to be closest to Him.

I suppose I am not different wanting my sons to succeed, to b great examples. Our lives are of challenges as we embrace the teaching of our Lord. His ways are not ours, His thoughts not ours. His love and peace are so much higher, but we are following in hopes of seeing His kingdom, some of us find it difficult, as we would have liked Him to rule here.

We travel with Him, have seen many miracles, have shared meals and stories. There are times we are away with Him and times we return to enjoy our families. It was very hard to see Passover come and go, the joy of Him riding into Jerusalem on a donkey to Hosannahs and then to be betrayed by Judas and arrested.

The woman were gathering around Mary as He was sentenced to be crucified, I was many of them at the cross, stand afar off as they had stripped and shamed the Lord before us all. Beaten, bloodied and bludgeoned to death, He paid the price for the salvation of all who would believe.

I have a great sorrow in my heart over this, and He is right, I did not understand what I was saying. I cannot imagine the torture to my sons. We are holding Mary close as His body is being taken down.  Some of th women and I will prepare the body for burial, we have the spices already. I am so glad we believed, and we will see Him raised and ascended, something else He amazed us with.

Rebecca Jones Mohamed Abdugaffar

Matthew 20:20-24; 27:56; Mark 10:35-40; 15:40, 41; 16:1, 2

Attempts have been made to connect her to Joseph or as Zacharias daughter, even Mary’s sister, but we just don’t know that.


I am Salome, daughter of Herodias, I have been asked to  dance for the king’s birthday. There are many forms of dance. I have learned a lot from watching girls from other cultures. It is a rare occurrence here at the palace and I am please to have been asked, and I will be richly rewarded. I see the faces of the men and they are enjoying my performance.

The king is also pleased, and is about to give me anything I desire, but what should I ask for, gold, jewels, perhaps even a journey to another land. Could I even ask for my own house, servants, silks or pearls. he will give me anything now that the dance is done and the guests entertained and filled with food and wine.

I will ask my mother, she will know what to ask, I can go before the throne and receive my reward. She speaks of a man in prison, a man of God, that she dislikes. ” But mother, you want me to ask the king to take this man;s life? ” I was hesitant, I wanted something I could enjoy.

She is insistent and I feel I have no choice, I walk before the throne of Herod and ask for the head of John the Baptist on a silver platter. There is a hush and gasps among the crowd. If I felt any shame over the display of my body, it does not compare to this. It is as if all the life and breath, the joy that was here in the palace, has been swallowed up. What have I done?

The king will not refuse after he promised. He orders it so, and I am soon presented with a try that I take to my mother who appears to enjoy this horror, but has she rid herself of a holy man or brought a curse upon us, I have to look away. I know that have done wrong, perhaps I am not a good woman but can I be as evil and cruel, can my mother?

I will go to to my quarters and wait, I will see the results of this soon enough. Instead of riches, I am handed death, and caused one man’s life to end, so how will my life ever be the same. I am Salome, and though my name means peace, I haven’t any today, I hope I find it again. I see crowds following Jesus from my balcony, He has heard the news. And of course, Herod did lose his kingdom.

Rebecca Jones  Ali Pazani / pexels

As a side note, Christians have been on both sides of the dance issue. And there are many forms of it. In some cultures man ans women did not dance together, it was only for the men’s entertainment, much like the refusal of Vashti. Peronally, I don’t think God frowns on dancing, but on the way it is done and for the reason. There is beauty in ballet and many a musical.

Josephus, the historian, tells us that Salome was married first to Philip the tetrarch, and afterward to Aristobulus, king of Chalcis, the grandson of Herod, and brother of Agrippa. She was the daughter of Herodias and her first husband Herod Phillip who was a son of Herod the great.

Mary Magdalene

I am Mary. I am from a place called Magdala, it is a wicked city and you have to survive somehow. I became wise at an early age or as your generation might say street wise. I knew how to make and take money, to use as I was used. I was guilty of the seven deadly sins and more.

All that changed for me one day when  I came face to face with Jesus. He looked at me like no one ever had, with eyes filled with love. I was a little girl, a daughter, free from sin and shame, all the guilt that had been heaped upon my soul was washed away. My body trembled, and I was afraid, afraid of what might happen, what He thought of me, but the fear left, and then there was peace.

I felt evil depart, and one by one spirit were lifted from my flesh and spirit. I believed in Him and I loved and worshiped Him. I covered my head as was the custom, I washed the overdone makeup from face. I was cleansed in a way that merely bathing would not or could not do.

I had seen people baptized, this was even more powerful. I followed Jesus from then  on was even befriended by His mother, and other women, some who would have shunned me before seeing the transformation that Jesus brought to me both healing and deliverance. Though temptations arose, and the old ways want to return, I was never going back to my former life. If you are delivered from demons don’t go back to their lies.

I was at the crucifixion, and went to the tomb on the morning He rose, I mistook Him for the gardener, truly I had not understood what He said about resurrection.  I wanted to touch Him to see if He was real but He said no. He had to go to the Father. It was a powerful experience, I could hardly stand in His presence, but I could see the scars on His hands and wrist, in a pure and holy white, golden glory about Him. I went to tell the disciples who though I was mad but later found out He had risen for themselves. And then He ascended, and sent the promised Holy Spirit.

There are those who believe that Jesus was married to me and that we had children, but that is not so. Jesus was the very Son of God denying Himself of an earthly marriage in order to be the heavenly and figurative bridegroom to a spotless church. He was without sin. We all have things we need to be rid of in our lives, we are to be separate, called out, holy as He is holy. He is the only one who could have me holy.

Jesus is worth giving up you old sinful life for, He alone is worthy of all praise.

Rebecca Jones Valeria Kogan / Unsplash