Mary Magdalene

I am Mary. I am from a place called Magdala, it is a wicked city and you have to survive somehow. I became wise at an early age or as your generation might say street wise. I knew how to make and take money, to use as I was used. I was guilty of the seven deadly sins and more.

All that changed for me one day when  I came face to face with Jesus. He looked at me like no one ever had, with eyes filled with love. I was a little girl, a daughter, free from sin and shame, all the guilt that had been heaped upon my soul was washed away. My body trembled, and I was afraid, afraid of what might happen, what He thought of me, but the fear left, and then there was peace.

I felt evil depart, and one by one spirit were lifted from my flesh and spirit. I believed in Him and I loved and worshiped Him. I covered my head as was the custom, I washed the overdone makeup from face. I was cleansed in a way that merely bathing would not or could not do.

I had seen people baptized, this was even more powerful. I followed Jesus from then  on was even befriended by His mother, and other women, some who would have shunned me before seeing the transformation that Jesus brought to me both healing and deliverance. Though temptations arose, and the old ways want to return, I was never going back to my former life. If you are delivered from demons don’t go back to their lies.

I was at the crucifixion, and went to the tomb on the morning He rose, I mistook Him for the gardener, truly I had not understood what He said about resurrection.  I wanted to touch Him to see if He was real but He said no. He had to go to the Father. It was a powerful experience, I could hardly stand in His presence, but I could see the scars on His hands and wrist, in a pure and holy white, golden glory about Him. I went to tell the disciples who though I was mad but later found out He had risen for themselves. And then He ascended, and sent the promised Holy Spirit.

There are those who believe that Jesus was married to me and that we had children, but that is not so. Jesus was the very Son of God denying Himself of an earthly marriage in order to be the heavenly and figurative bridegroom to a spotless church. He was without sin. We all have things we need to be rid of in our lives, we are to be separate, called out, holy as He is holy. He is the only one who could have me holy.

Jesus is worth giving up you old sinful life for, He alone is worthy of all praise.

Rebecca Jones Valeria Kogan / Unsplash

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